Tire & Wheel Detailing
Tire & Wheel Detailing
As stated over and over, it is wise to start detailing from the inside out and from the top down with one big exception. This exception is Tire & Wheel Detailing.
Since these parts are closest to the road, they will therefore be hit hardest. Let us explain how to take care of these parts.
Tire Detailing :
As usual we will start off with some pre treatment of the parts that need detailing. This can be done with a scrubby, a firm nylon brush or a bristle brush. Heavy deposits will rub right of if you really have a chance to hit them.
Second comes the washing of the tires. Using a heavy soapy/sudsy water solution you can clean the tires as a whole. Tools that are up to the job are the same ones you have used in the pre treatment fase namely a scrubby or a brush. This will make the job at hand a lot easier and faster.
Third and last in line is the proper longer term tire care that will conclude your tire detailing. In this fase, you will be applying the right product so your tire will be better equipped to stand up to the harsh conditions it will face during its lifetime.
Picking the right product at this point will severely enhance the lifetime of the tires since cracking and fading (due to UV exposure) will be kept at bay. Apply the product on a sponge or rag and work it in with a light buffing motion.
Not only will your tires look new for a longer time, you will do a lot longer with your radials. This stretching will be higher if you are slow to round up the miles during the year.
Wheel Detailing :
When talking rims, one has to be sure what you are dealing with. We have seen an explosion of different materials used and how these materials are finished. Since different materials and finishes require a different approach, we will split up this section where needed.
First things first. As always a good pre treatment will work wonders and will make the job easier in the long run. So get rid of that super sticky, burned in break dust and road grime and get a feel for the job at hand.
Next comes the washing of the wheels. This is the time where we will have to split up the story.
Painted and anodized or coated aluminum :
These rims need the gentle touch, since a concentrated cleaner can really spoil the fun as they might ruin the finish of the wheels. Wet the wheels before any cleaner is applied and make sure to have plenty of water at hand in order to rinse off the cleaner within minutes. This little precaution might safe you a whole lot of your well earned dollars.
Apply the proper cleaner and start rinsing it off way before the product has found time to dry.
Detailing is rounded up by applying the same wax as you will use for the body of the car. This will also prevent build-up of brake dust in between washes.
Polished aluminum & magnesium wheels :
Since these are ´open´ metals we need to tackle the job with a different approach in order to get the optimal result. You will see that the method used here, is completely different than the one used in the above mentioned section.
On dry rims, apply (on a damp cloth) some polish and gently work in until dry. A black layer will appear. Leave to work in for a couple of moments and, with a dry cloth, wipe off in circular motions. This will take care of washing (second step) and detailing (third and last step) at the same time. Now aren´t you glad you have made that extra investment and have bought those super shiny rims ...
Chrome & Roughcast metal wheels :
Some wheels are in more need than others and just scream for some extra cleaning power. When your vehicle is outfitted with either chrome or roughcast metal wheels, you will have to follow up the pre treatment fase with some extra strong cleaner to tackle this job. Make sure the cleaner is applied after you have wetted the wheel and you need to keep it wet during cleaning. Hose of immediately and make damn sure these products don´t get to touch anything else like you paint job for example. It might take the clear coat right off.
Once cleaned, you can start with the detailing as described in the above section. Don´t use the polish sparingly. They will mirror everything and all.