It is kind of obvious that once you have all the formulations set up to get the best product to market, you need to get the right ingredients and the right tools to make them.
After all, when you have invested a serious amount of money it in setting up the perfect product series, it is now time to start producing them.
So you walk up to the right parties, buy all the best ingredients, pick out the perfect packaging and are left with a choice of producing in house or let somebody else take care of this huge and important task.
We have chosen to keep everything in house. This means we select and buy the ingredients, start mixing and blending in house and have set up several production lines (depending on the type of product) to fill the containers needed.
Every detail is tended to and known to us. Believe me, this is the only way to go about it if you are serious enough to get to the bottom of it. After all, the best job done is the one you finished yourself, right?
Doing so will make sure every little detail is tended to and every new idea can be worked into the finished product in the least amount of time.
To us, this is the only way to go about things.
Since you never know for sure what will be thrown at you, you better make sure you have a flexible production plant with plenty of idle capacity that can be utilized when asked for.
We have invested some serious time and money and ended up with a flexible production facility that is not only up to date, but can stand its own against whatever is thrown at it.