Dave´s idea on Interior & Upholstery
Dave´s idea on Interior & Upholstery
Strangely enough, it is just as hard to keep the inside of the car clean as it is the outside of the car.
Since there are o many materials involved that (can) make up the interior of the car, we think of vinyl, fabric, leather, carpet, plastics (both rigid and soft), rubber, wood, aluminum, ..., there is just as wide a variety of cleaning products that can come to the rescue.
It is always better to vacuum the interior thoroughly to remove loose dirt and to get the larger particles out of the way before they can cause damage further along the way.
When cleaning fabrics, carpets and the like, it sure is a good idea to allow ample time to dry out completely. In laymans therms, doing so will make sure you will not end up with wet pants.
One of the harder parts to clean (and to keep clean) are the headrests/headlinings. It is easy to understand why and we will not elaborate on the subject. For best results, use a coarse scrubby to work deep into the material.
Specialised product can remove heavy stains and chewing gum but beware of where you use them. They can do a lot of damage when the coloring isn´t up to the job. So always try these strong cleaners on an inconspicious place before working on the real thing.
The dash is best cleaned and protected so you will end up with a nice shine and a surface that has some resistance for the future.