General Overview
General Overview
In a constantly changing world it is sometimes hard to keep up. New media, instant and constant conectivity certainly have changed all of us.
We are living in a world that is running full throttle and one might seem to be loosing grip on the important things in live.
We all used to live in a lower pace world but that was then. Since we are living now, we better cope.
We do so by making products that work faster and easier so follow the flow.
In this section, you will find all that is happening out here. No secrets are left out. We will bring it out into the open and available to all of you.
Every change will be noted, every adaptation mentioned.
Since we also enjoy the beatiful things the earth has to offer, we decided to support the former Mrs Globe Netherlands finalist Mrs. Karin Vanass. Out here you will find some of her great pictorials and more news about her and her carreer.
Trust you will love and enjoy it all as much as we do.
If you have interesting ideas, great comment, cool pointers, do not hesitate to call on us and let us know. We will love to see pictures, stories, ... pouring in and will proudly post them here as well.
Yours truly.