Exterior Detailing
Exterior Detailing
In order to get things out in the open, we will just say it out load. In order to extent the live of your car, and her good looks, you are going to have to invest a serious amount of time on her. Yes, she is a woman and she does need all the attention you can spare. Tender loving care (and some elbow grease) is all what it takes to make her shine as never before.
You expect your girlfriend/wife to spend some time to enhance her super looks, well, since your ride cannot take care of herself, guess what buddy boy, you are going to take that job and you better love it too.
Taking her out for a spin will be so much more fun when she is in her prime, right?
So go on and invest that time you would otherwise loose in your local hangout anyway. This way you will safe a bit on bers not drunk and might even get complimented on a job well done.
Both of your girls will love you for it.